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Considering Costume: The Conservation, Apparel, Adornment, and Accessories


Outside Influences


Lessons Learned: Textile Conservation - Then and Now


Embellished Fabrics: Conserving Surface Manipulation and Decoration 

Pre-Print: FALL 2015 / NEW YORK CITY

Material in Motion


Conserving Modernity: The Articulation of Innovation


Plying the Trades: Pulling Together in the 21st Century


The Conservation of Three-Dimensional Textiles


Facing Impermanence: Exploring Preventive Conservation for Textiles


Recovering the Past: The Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Textiles


The Conservation of Flags and Other Symbolic Textiles


Strengthening the Bond: Science and Textiles


Conservation Combinations


The Fabric of an Exhibition

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As one of the dozen or so founders of NATCC, I am thrilled at how the idea has taken root. NATCC conferences have become an important venue for textile conservators to connect in meaningful ways.

Deborah Lee Trupin, USA
OAXACA / 2011




“Pasado de Moda: Historias de dna Colección”: Soluciones De Montaje para una Exhibición de Vestuario en El Museo Histórico Nacional (Santiago, Chile) / Isabel Alvarado, Mabel Canales and Emilia Müller; Museo Histórico Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Spotlight on the Spattered Jama: Examination and Conservation of the Jodhpur Court Ensemble at the Victoria and Albert Museum / Annabelle Camp and Ekta Sunil Raheja; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

The Role of a Significance Assessment in the Replacement of Plastic on a Stephen Sprouse Dress / Kris Cnossen; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA / Annika Blake-Howland; National Park Service Historic Architecture Conservation and Engineering Center, Lowell, USA / Amanda Holden; Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, Indianapolis, USA

The Devil is in The Details: Adventures in Mannequin Production from CNC Router to Dress Form / William Donnelly, Heather Hansen, Heather Hodge, Gabrielle Intenzo, Katya Roelse, Katherine Sahmel; Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur, USA / Brooks Twilley; University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Strike a Pose: The Overhaul of Fiberglass Mannequins and their Mounts / Emily Freese, Amanda Holden, and Erinn Bessler; Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, Indianapolis, USA

Degrading Fashion: Long-Term Anoxic Storage Solutions for Synthetic Materials in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute / Kaelyn Garcia and Christopher Mazza; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA

Deep in the Woods with “Couture Fantasy”: How One Institution Fought its Own Demons and Installed a (Post-Pandemic) Record-Breaking Show / Laura Garcia Vedrenne, Amy Andersson, Erin Algeo, and Mike Lai; Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, USA

Chinese Dress in Detail / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane and Nora Brockmann; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

Membrane Metal Threads and Deteriorated Silk: The Conservation Treatment of a Unique 13th-14th Century Aumônière from the Cathedral of Como, Italy / Kristal Hale; Tracing Patterns Foundation, Berkeley, California, USA

Bringing Costume to Life: Exhibiting the Mary D. Doering Costume Collection / Neal Hurst and Jacquelyn Peterson-Grace; The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, USA

Around the World in 80 Ways: Conservation of Elizabeth Hawes’ Geographic / Chandra Obie Linn; The Cincinnati Museum of Art, Cincinnati, USA

La Conservación de la Parka Karakoram y la Chaqueta Skyliner creadas por Eddie Bauer / Iliana E Lopez Salado; Práctica privada, Seattle, EUA

Assessing Costume Storage: A Collaborative Approach / Sara Ludueña; Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, USA

Repatriating Chief Crowfoot’s Regalia from Exeter, UK to the Siksika Nation: Considerations from a Cultural and Conservation Point of View / Gail Niinimaa; Niinimaa Enterprises Inc. Calgary, Canada / Sasheen Wright; Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park, Siksika Nation, Canada

Problematic Heels: The Identification, Characterization and Treatment of TPU Top Pieces in the Museum at FIT’s Collection / Callie O’Connor; The Museum at FIT, New York City, USA

Starch Struck: Preliminary Investigations into Factors Impacting the Wet Cleaning of Starched Textiles without the Use of Enzymes / Anna F Robinson; University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Towards a New Consideration for the Wearing of Historic Costume / Sarah Scaturro; Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, USA

An “Olympe-ic” Marathon: Technical Study and Adhesive Stabilization of a Madame Olympe Ensemble / Elizabeth Shaeffer; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA

Black Culture Made Visible: The Challenge of Mounting Garments Without Contributing to Prejudice / Joel Stephenson; Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Boston, USA

Moving Mannequins / Chris Swan; Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, USA

Racing to the Finish: Dynamic Mannequins Riding Historic Machines! / Zenzie Tinker and Ania Gołębiowska; Zenzie Tinker Conservation Ltd., Brighton, UK

Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Mannequins / Lilia Prier Tisdall; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK 

Collaboration and Creativity in the Curatorial Practice and Mounting Solutions for the McCord Stewart Museum’s Exhibition Parachute: Subversive Fashion of the ‘80s / Alexis Walker and Caroline Bourgeois; McCord Stewart Museum, Montreal, Canada

New Meets Old: Using Modern Materials to Stabilize a 19th Century Military Hat / Meredith Wilcox-Levine; Textile Conservation Workshop, South Salem, USA



The definition of a profession: The tapestry conservation workshop at the Royal Tapestry Factory / Veronica Garcia Blanco

Ethical Flexibility and the Principles of Preserving Genocide Clothing / Julia Brennan, Jackie Peterson Grace

Professional Training in Preventive Conservation within the Peruvian Reality / Maria Ysabel Medina Castro

Drawing a Fine Line: The Ethical Ramifications between Replicating, Recreating or Replacing the Shattered Silk Linings on Two Callot Soeurs Dresses / Laura Garcia-Vendrenne

Challenges of Textile Conservation in Developing Countries: an Indonesian Case Study / Kristal Hale, Sandra Sarjono

The Characterization of Three Conductive Fabrics/Threads Used for Do-it-yourself (DIY) Electronic Textiles / Heather Hodge

Under Pressure: Rediscovering, Treating, and Pressure Mounting the USS Taylor National Ensign / Yoonjo Lee

Challenges and possibilities at the Rui Barbosa Historic House Museum: preservation of textile collections / Gabriela Lucio

The Effects of Textile Conservation on ‘Outside Influences’ / Christina Margariti

Needlefelting as a Solution to Loss in Textiles with Wool Yarn Fringe / Kathleen Martin

From Mexico and France - Approaches for the conservation treatment of a textile from Oaxaca / Hector Meneses, Lea Voisin

The Tillett Tapíz: A Tale of Impact and Intent / Allison McClosky

Dismantling Antiquated Practices at the Field Museum: Stakeholders and Challenges / Erin Murphy/Nicole Passerotti/ Stephanie Hornbeck

COMBining Accessories and Costumes: Reproduction of Tortoiseshell Combs for Costume Exhibits / Nhat Quyen Nguyen

Confronting Hate: Care and Display of Objects Representing the Oppressor / Emma Schmidt



(la version française suit la version anglaise)

Revisiting Flags Preserved by Flag-Restoration Pioneers for the United States Naval Academy Museum / Camille Myers Breeze, Morgan Blei Carbone

The Journey of the Beauchemin Curtain: Navigating the Preservation Challenges of a Large-Scale, Site-Specific Textile Artwork / Sophia Zweifel, Robert Vander Berg, Renée Dancause, Janet Wagner

The Study and the Conservation of an Antependium, Thought to Be of the Immaculate Conception / France-Éliane Dumais, Louise Lalonger

Re-upholstery of the Raphael Room walls at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum / Tess Fredette

In-painting for Old Tapestry Repairs: A Non-traditional Approach to Restoring Tapestry Legibility / Anne Getts, Sarah Gates

Adhesives in Textile Conservation: A Survey of 60 Years of Adhesive Use at the V&A / Joanne Hackett, Lynda Hillyer

Alternative Methods of Wet Cleaning Knotted Carpets / Frances Hartog

Everything Old is New Again: Science Unravels a Fake Moroccan Embroidery / Amanda Holden, Gregory Smith, Mark Vitha

Lessons from the Long View: Observations and Insights on Developments in Private Practice from the 30 Year History of One Independent Textile Conservation Studio / Alison Lister, Frances Lennard

Creative Pathways to Developing a Career in Textile Conservation in India / Deepshikha Kalsi

Old and New Approaches in the Conservation of Excavated Textiles / Christina Margariti

Responses to Changes in Visitor Expectations at National Historic Sites of Canada / Jose Milne

Perspectives of Material Traditions Program at the Anchorage Museum / Sarah Owens, Joel Isaak, Monica Shah

Save the Skirt: A Collaboration between Conservator and Conservation Scientist / Chris Paulocik, Season Tse

Third Time’s the Charm? Revisiting Schiaparelli’s Shattered Silks / Jacquelyn Peterson-Grace

Understanding a 1961 Wet Cleaning Treatment on a 10th Century Persian Shroud / Sara Reiter, Martina Ferrari, Kate Duffy

The Evolution of Conservation Treatment Techniques in Mexico, Examined Through the Study of Historical Flags / Rosa Lorena Román Torres, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda

Past, Present, Future: Assessment and Re-treatment Of the Golden Buddha / Emma Schmitt

Maori Weaving: The Digital Reconstruction of a Piupiu at the Reiss Engelhorn Museums in Mannheim Germany / Corine Siegmund, Sylvia Mitschke, Rangi Te Kanawa

Learning from the Laundress: Textile Conservation Lessons from the Analysis of Historical Finishes and Cleaning Residues / Sophia Zweifel, Gennifer Majors


Retour sur les travail des pionnières en restauration de drapeaux pour le United States Naval Academy Museum / Camille Myers Breeze, Morgan Blei Carbone

Le parcours du rideau Beauchemin: les enjeux de la conservation d’une œuvre textile monumentale associée à un emplacement spécifique / Sophia Zweifel, Robert Vander Berg, Renée Dancause, Janet Wagner

L’étude et la restauration du parement d’autel dit de l’Immaculée Conception / France-Éliane Dumais, Louise Lalonger

Remplacement des tissus muraux de la salle Raphaël du Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum / Tess Fredette

Retouches pour les anciennes réparations sur tapisseries: une approche non traditionnelle à la restauration de la lisibilité d’une tapisserie / Anne Getts, Sarah Gates

Les adhésifs en restauration des textiles : évaluation de 60 ans d'utilisation des adhésifs au V&A / Joanne Hackett, Lynda Hillyer

Le nettoyage aqueux de tapis noués : méthodes alternatives / Frances Hartog

Tout ce qui est vieux est nouveau: la science dévoile une fausse broderie / Amanda Holden, Gregory Smith, Mark Vitha

Leçons d’une perspective à long terme: aperçus et observations sur les développements en pratique privée vus à travers les 30 ans d’histoire d’un atelier indépendant de restauration de textiles / Alison Lister, Frances Lennard

Parcours novateur pour faire carrière dans la restauration de textiles en Inde / Deepshikha Kalsi

Anciennes et nouvelles approches dans la restauration des textiles archéologiques / Christina Margariti

Réponses aux changements dans les attentes des visiteurs des lieux historiques nationaux du Canada / Jose Milne

Perspectives sur le programme Material Traditions du Anchorage Museum / Sarah Owens, Joel Isaak, Monica Shah

Sauvegardez la jupe : une collaboration entre restaurateurs et scientifiques en conservation / Chris Paulocik, Season Tse

La troisième fois sera la bonne? Revisiter les soies friables de Schiaparelli / Jacquelyn Peterson-Grace

Comprendre le nettoyage aqueux effectué en 1961 d’un linceul persan du 10e siècle / Sara Reiter, Martina Ferrari, Kate Duffy

L'évolution des techniques de restauration au Mexique perçue à travers l'étude de drapeaux historiques / Rosa Lorena Román Torres, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda

Passé, présent, futur: évaluation et nouveau traitement du Bouddha d'or / Emma Schmitt

Tissage maori : reconstruction numérique d'un piupiu du Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen à Mannheim en Allemagne / Corine Siegmund, Sylvia Mitschke, Rangi Te Kanawa

Apprendre des blanchisseuses : leçons en conservation des textiles tirées de l'analyse des produits de finition traditionnels et des résidus de nettoyage / Sophia Zweifel, Gennifer Majors



Ties of Ancient Mexico - A Technique Employed by Pre-Columbian Cultures / Ana Julia Poncelis Gutiérrez

Designs in Cotton and Palm Leaf. Pre-Hispanic Funerary Bundle from Zimapán, Hidalgo State / Judith Gómez, Luisa Mainou

Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican Garments Made Out of Shell: A Proposal for Research and Conservation / María de Lourdes Gallardo Parrodi

All That Glitters Is Gold: Metallic Embellishments on the Plume of Ancient Mexico / María Olvido Moreno Guzmán

Material Culture and Endurance: Feathered Textiles from the Gran Chaco / Silvana Di Lorenzo, Silvia Manuale

Embroidery Textile Technology in Viceroy Times, Techniques and Materials / Ingrid Karina Jiménez Cosme, José Luis Ruvalcaba Sil

Palm Tree and Coconut Fibers in Noemí Ramírez's Contemporary Textile Art / Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado, Claudia María Coronado García

Shiny Surfaces – The Conservation of Cellophane and Related Materials / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane

Manipulation of Early Plastics and the Variable Fabrication of Cellulose Acetate: Assessing Opposite Ends of the Spectrum of two Identical Belts Designed by Elsa Schiaparelli c.1938 / Leanne Tonkin, Adriana Rizzo

Moving Embroidery – A Way to Preserve the Full Cultural Heritage of Chasubles in Use / Heidi Åberg

Re-imagining Embellishment: The Conservation of Iris van Herpen’s Radically Engineered Surfaces / Sarah Scaturro, Leanne Tonkin

Antebellum Ornament: The Conservation of the Butler Greenwood Parlor Furnishings at the New Orleans Museum of Art / Howard Sutcliffe

Digitally Created Katagami Stencils for Printing Textile Infills / Nancy Britton, Ann-Sofie Stjernlöf

Topsy-Turvy Conservation: Consolidating and Wet Cleaning the Embellished Hangings from the Spangled Bed, Knole / Rosamund Weatherall, Claire Golbourn

Philadelphia’s Opulent Embroidery: The Study of a Needlework Painted Picture of the Philadelphia Museum of Art Collection / Martina Ferrari, Sara Reiter, Bernice Morris, Beth Price, Kate Duffy

Embellishing: The Truth / Denise Migdail

Research Study and Restoration of an 18th Century Court Dress from the National History Museum Collection / Laura Jazmín Solís Gómez

Preserving the Process: The Conservation of Mid-production Resist-dyed Dutch Wax and Indonesian Batik Textiles / Bernice Morris

Problems in the Reintegration of Color into Textiles. The Example of a Rebozo (a shawl) from Tenancingo / Diana María Medellín Martínez

Challenged by a Chasuble: Developing a Conservation Treatment Combining Paper and Textile Techniques / Lynn McClean

All that Glitters: Binders/Adhesives Found in Metallic Printed Textiles in the Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art / Sara Reiter, Beth A. Price, Kate Duffy, Ken Sutherland, Andrew Lins



Journey’s End: Moving The Costume Institute from the Grand Scale to the Individual Object / Elizabeth Arenaro, Marci Morimoto, Anne K. Reilly

Beads, bugle beads, and exhibition solutions / Margarita Báez Vicke, Lydia García Cruz, Rebeca Rosendo Corona, Sergio Sandoval Arias

Hanging Heavy Carpets – Pros and Cons of the “Berlin System” / Anna Beselin

De-installing and storing of mural textiles at the Decorative Arts Museum - Palace of Rioja / Fanny Espinoza, Catalina Rivera

“Keeping in shape” An investigation into the suitability of using Fosshape™ for costume storage mounts at Historic Royal Palaces / Charlotte Gamper, Emma Henni

Unauthorized movement. The loss of inherent information in archaeological textiles due to the lack of context. / Lilian García-Alonso Alba

Unwelcome Zephyrs: Air Circulation and Fabric on Display / Joy Gardiner, Joelle D. J. Wickens

Moving Maharajas: The Display and Transportation of Indian Costume and Textiles / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane

“Movable Architecture” Ottoman tents and aspects of their installation, transit, and storage. / Jerzy Holc

Can Movement be a Conservation Goal? Preserving the Essence of Automata in the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection / Marjorie Jonas, Kathy Francis, Jere Ryder

Acute situations require acute action!  / Rebecka Karlsdotter

Removing soiling from clothing with bloodstains / Christina Margariti, Maria Kinti, Archontina Chanialaki

Loss and recovery from a forced removal / Sylvia Paola Moreno Meneses, Ana-María Teresa Rojas Zepeda

Stretch—The Truth: Patrick Kelly’s knit dresses and the stretch, growth and recovery of modern knit fabrics during display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. / Bernice Morris, Laura Mina

Moving the Mud Out - cleaning up after flooding at the Museum of the Highwood in High River, Alberta / Gail Niinimaa, Niinimaa

Beyond Dummies: Enlivening the costume exhibition Charles James: Beyond Fashion with animated content / Glenn Petersen

Under a Starry Heaven: The Conservation of a Processional Canopy / Rachel Phelan

“Should feathers fly?” Risks and challenges concerning feathers in motion / Renée Riedler, Melanie Korn, Johann Wassermann, María Olvido Moreno Guzmán

Moving Textiles; reducing stressors on the humans, as well as the textiles: a practical framework for ergonomic systems interventions / Rwth Stuckey, Philip Meyer, Kate Douglas, Annette Soumilas

George Washington Slept Here: The First ‘Oval Office’ / Virginia Jarvis Whelan



Merging the 21st Century into a Gilded Age Fortune 500 Boardroom / Alexandra Allardt and Robert M. Kelly

Reshaping and Rehousing of Rubber Galoshes / Pia Christensson, Per-Magnus Johansson, Ulrika Brynell, Kathrin Hirichs Degerblad, Thea Winther

How can we conserve both the artist’s idea and the material? The special case of a "Achrome" of Piero Manzoni / Susanna Conti, Elisa Bracaloni, Matti Patti, and Rodorico Giorgi

Lessons Learned: The Use of 20 denier Nylon Net in the Treatment of Two Oversized Flags / Renee Dancause and Jan Vuori

Viscose Rayon: An Absorbing Problem. An Investigation into the Impact Conservation Wet Cleaning Treatments have on Historic Woven Viscose Rayon Fabrics / Charlotte Gamper, Karen Thompson and Anita Quye

The Influence of the Environment and Stress on the Degradation of Nylon Stockings used in "Garden of Delight" a Work of Art by Madeleine Berkhemer / Suzan de Groot, Henk van Keulen and Thea van Oosten

Man-Made Uppers, Man-Made Soles: The Technology of Modern Shoes / Joanne Hackett

From Deterioration to Metamorphosis, the Decision-Making Process for the Conservation of a Contemporary Textile Work / Mariana López, Emmanuel Lara Barrera, and Priscila Villeda Ramírez

Gellan Gum as a Material for Local Stain Reduction / Anne Peranteau

Care of Highly Problematic Twentieth-Century Textiles: Identification, Cleaning, Storage, and Exhibition / Kelly Reddy-Best and Margaret T. Ordoñez

Rubberized Flannel in Contemporary Beaded Powwow Regalia / Rebecca Summerour, Susan Heald, Sarah Jane Grace Owens, Odile Madden and Jennifer Giaccai

Keeping it up - Very PVC / Jane Wild and Sarah McHugh




The Role of Universities in the Rescue of Cultural Heritage
Gonzalo J. Alarcón Vital

Conservation Challenge: Ottoman Carpets in Transylvanian Churches
Anna Beselin

Stitches in Time: The Integration of 18th and 21st Century Technologies and Techniques across Three Cultures
Nancy Britton

Building a Museum Conservation Community in Iraq
Vicki Cassman / Jessica Johnson / Nancy Odegaard

Conservation as a Process of Representation: The Kurdish Textile Museum of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan
Anne-Marie Deisser / Lolan Sipan / Róisín Miles

Twenty Years of Conservation Collaborations with Native Peoples at the National Museum of the American Indian
Susan Heald

Retrieval of Forgotten Textile Techniques: A Ukrainian Community’s Focus that Enriches Communities Beyond
Teena Jennings-Rentenaar / Aniza Kraus

Textile Conservation at the Lyceum Club of Greek Women: So We Think We Can Dance
Tatiana Kousoulou / Zoi Kona

Engaging with the Public Realm: Conserving Textiles as a Public Spectacle at the People’s History Museum, Manchester, UK
Vivian Lochhead

Collaboration between Textile Conservators and Archaeologists: Four Case Studies of Textiles from Pyre Burials from Ancient Greece
Christina Margariti

Soaring Up: Feathered Textiles in Contemporary Mexico
Hector Manuel Meneses Lozano

Dyes and Dye-stuffs in Textile Conservation
Rosa Lorena Román Torres / Lilia Félix León / Arturo León Candanedo / Abner Gutiérrez Ramos / Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda / Alejandra Corona Cadena / Lilian García-Alonso Alba / Javier Vázquez Negrete

Life’s Rich Tapestry
Deb Spoehr

Weaving Experiences with the Textile Heritage and the Memory
Olga Liliana Sulca

Producing, Weaving, and Felting T,urcana Wool in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Florica Zaharia / Ana Teodora Zaharia



Disassembling and Reassembling: Problems and ethics concerning the process of bleaching a parasol / Tanja Aronsson

Treatment of Egyptian Revival furniture: Part I. Three-dimensional structure (springs and webbing) / Nancy Britton.

Conservation treatment of a ceremonial Chimú costume / María Victoria Carvajal Campusano

Long Term Preservation of Ptolemaic to Late Antique Period Burials at The Metropolitan Museum of Art Excavation in Dahshur, Egypt / Emilia Cortés

Treatment of Egyptian Revival furniture: Part II. Aesthetics of show cover / Jan Vuori,

How to bag a warbird: The re-covering of two German First World War aircraft / Jessie Firth

Precious Metal: The conservation of a 17th-century Garter suit / Sarah Foskett

When minimal intervention is not enough: Deconstructing and reconstructing a sprung upholstered chair / Kathryn Gill

She Walks in Beauty: The conservation, reconstruction, mounting and packing of an English court mantua / Joanne Hackett

What lies beneath: The biography of an Egyptian tunic / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane

The treatment and analysis of a Hausa horse bridle / Meghan McFarlane

Conservation and logistics for a simultaneous two-venue exhibition, Black in Fashion: Mourning to Night / Solitaire Osei

Every picture is worth 1,000 words but an object speaks volumes / Chris Paulocik

Textiles from the beyond / Catalina Plazas

Pour une gestion rationnelle d'une collection hétérogène: La politique de conservation des costumes ethnographiques tridimensionnels au musée du quai Branly, Paris / Anne-Solène Roland

Basketry conservation: The case study of the palm box from the Chagüera cave, Ticumán, Morelos, México / Rosa Lorena Román Torres

The re-tufting of a Hunzinger armchair / Gwen Spicer



Preserving Our Heritage “The Future of the Past”: The Restructuring of the Ethnographic Collection in the Museum Nacional de Antropologia. / Alejandro González Villarruel and Judith Gómez González

Project Management Practices and Preventive Conservation Projects at the Royal Ontario Museum. / Shannon Elliott

Fragments of Queen Kristina’s Burial Costume, Preservation and Documentation of Materials, Textile Techniques and Dyestuffs. / Johanna Nilsson and Sofia Nestor

Introduction to IMLS Programs / Mark Fietl

Maintaining a Textile Museum with a Limited Budget by Applying Principles of Preventive Conservation. / Maria Catalina Plazas García and María del Pilar Muñoz

Preventive Conservation at the National Museum and House of Culture in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. / Pia Christensson

Microbial Growth on Textiles: Conflicting Conventions. / Mary W. Ballard

Preserving Ancient Threads. Preventive Conservation Strategy for Greek Excavated Textiles. / Christina Margariti and Georgianna Moraitou

Discussion of Textile Volume of Readings in Conservation, Issues in the Conservation of Textiles [working title], to be published by the Getty Conservation Institute / Mary M. Brooks, Textile Conservation Centre, University of South Hampton

When Royal Becomes Popular. The Preventive Conservation, Documentation and Disaster Planning Project for the Textile Collection of the Former Greek Royal Palace of Tatoi. / Tatiana Kousoulou

Panel Discussion on Disaster Response and Preparedness. / Jane Long, Heritage Preservation and Robert Sonderman and Theresa Voellinger, the National Park Service.

Crossing Continents: Packing Costumes for Multi-venue Tours. / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane, Lara Flecker, Richard Ashbridge, and Adam Monaghan

The Conservation of the Original 1950s Textile Hangings in the Auditorium of the Royal Festival Hall, London. / Alison Lister, Jo Banks and Vicky Hand

The “Adopt a Textile” Program in Huaca Malena, Peru. / Rommell Angeles Falcon and Denise Pozzi-Escot

Lighting the Treasures. / Fenella G. France

Designing in Permanence: Creating the Permanent Display Gallery for the Star-Spangled Banner. / Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss



Textile Treasures of Llullaillaco / Fenella G. France, Vuka Roussakis, Patricia Lissa, Miguel Xamena, Pedro Santillán, María Campero de Larrán, Gabriela Doña, and Gabriela Ammirati 

Long Ago Person Found—An Ancient Robe Tells a New Story / Kjerstin Mackie 

Evidence of Caribbean Basketry Preserved as Impressions on Pottery / Soraya Serra-Collazo 

Rediscovering Pre-Columbian Peruvian Textiles: Their Conservation and Documentation in the Museo Nacional, Universidad Federal of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Luciana da Silveira, Arabel Fernández López, y Elizabete Mendonça 

A Pre-Columbian Funerary Bundle from Atacama: An Interpretation of the Textiles’ Tactile–Visual Languages / María Soledad Hoces de la Guardia Chellew y Ana-María Rojas Zepeda 

Looking into the Past: The Potential of X-Radiography as an Investigative Technique for Archaeological and Ethnographic Textiles / Sonia A. O’Connor and Mary M. Brooks 

Identification and Quantification of Organic Pesticides on Ethnographic Textiles during Treatment Phases / Susan Heald, Lauren Chang, and Jessica S. Johnson 

Darn that Spot! Investigations into Cleaning Raffia Cut-Pile Kuba Cloth / Beth Szuhay and Jill D’Alessandro 

A Study of Moosehair-Embroidered Souvenir Objects / Anne MacKay 

Conservation of the Feather Mosaic “Christ Saviour of the World” from the Museo Nacional del Virreinato, Mexico / Rosa Lorena Román Torres, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda, Fernando Sánchez Guevara and Lilia Félix Ramírez 

The Textiles of Leymebamba / Lena Bjerregaard 

Examination and Treatment of a Basketry and Textile Tent Divider from Sudan / Christine Giuntini and Maya Naunton 

The Treatment and Preparation for Exhibition of a Composite Material Ceremonial Warrior’s Costume from the Loma People in Liberia / Stephanie Hornbeck 

An Invisible Craft / Priya Ravish Mehra 

Textile Case Study: A Project to Protect Heritage in Religious Spaces in Mexico / Mercedes Gómez-Urquiza de la Macorra 

To Repair or to Conserve the Ethnographic. Reorganization Project of the Ethnographic Galleries of the Museo Nacional de Antropología / María Judith Gómez González and Alejandro González Villarruel 

First-Aid and Preventive Conservation of Ecclesiastical Vestments in the Greek Orthodox Monasteries / Tatiana Koussoulou 

Negotiating Meaning and Cultural Memory with Maya Textiles / Lana Panko 

Using Collections to Bridge Communities / DY Begay and Jeanne Brako 

The Textile Center of the Mayan World: A Commitment for Conservation and Dissemination of Textile Art  / Cándida Fernández de Calderón 

Conservation of the Bolivian Danzante Costume from the Museo Etnográfico of Buenos Aires / Patricia Lissa, Silvana Di Lorenzo y Maria Pia Villaronga 

Irmgard Weitlaner Johnson: Outstanding Researcher of Textiles / Virginia Davis



Vibrant Dancers: Egungun Costumes from Southwestern Nigeria / Dorothy Stites Alig

Secret Agents: Deliberately Concealed Garments as Symbolic Textiles / Dinah Eastop and Charlotte Dew

Religious Symbolic Textiles in Himalayan Monasteries: Prayer Flags, Banners and Thangkas. / Ann Shaftel

Clear as Mud: How Cultural Significance Determines Preservation Choices. / Sarah Clayton, Wendy Dodd, Victoria Gill and Bridie Kirkpatrick

Preservation of Stripes, Stars and Swastikas. / Lizou Fenyvesi

Documenting and Preserving Woven and Constructed Materials on a Collection of Early Nineteenth Century Native North American Objects. / T. Rose Holdcraft

Amos Bad Heart Bull’s Painted Textile: A Document of Cultures and Conflicts. / Virginia Jarvis Whelan

"For Which It Stands": American Patriotism in Material Culture. / Marilyn Zoidis

Flag Conservation Then and Now. / Deborah Lee Trupin

MFAH Texas Flags: 1836-1945 Flags as Fine Art? / Fonda Ghiardi Thomsen

What If You Can’t Afford To Make a Mistake: Developing an Experimental Protocol for the Treatment of the Star-Spangled Banner. / Fenella G. France and Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss

Different Restoration Treatments on 19th Century Silk Banners and Flags. / Fanny Espinoza

United We Stand! The Conservation of Trade Union Banners. / Frances Lennard and Vivian Lochhead

"Go Thou and Do Likewise"? The Conservation of the Ebrington Friendly Society Banner. / Ann French and Nicola Gentle

Moving Pictures: Adapting Painting Conservation Techniques to the Treatment of Painted Textiles. / Nancy R. Pollak

The Conservation of Savonarola’s Banner. / Mary Westerman Bulgarella and Susanna Conti

Avendale for Reformation: Conservation of a 17th Century Covenanting Banner. / Lynn McClean and Elizabeth-Anne Haldane

The Effectiveness of Adhesive Support Treatments for Flags and Banners: Condition of Treated Artifacts in Canada and the UK. / Irene F. Karsten and Nancy Kerr

Facing the Future: The Use of Cyclododecane and Re-Moistenable Tissue Paper in the Conservation of a Painted Silk Flag. / Joanne Hackett and Beth Szuhay


Looking at our History, Listening to Our Client. / Harold F. Mailand

What so Proudly We Hailed: One Museum’s Effort to Conserve Historic Flags. / Barbara L. Rowe

Saving Maine’s Colours: Strategies in Flag Conservation & Exhibition at the Maine State Museum. / Gwen Spicer, Laureen LaBar, Susan Adler, Marion Scharoun and Dona Smith

Do You Know Where You Are? Silk Flank Markers from the Civil War. / Sarah C. Stevens



Modern Materials in Costume collections: A Collaboration between Scientist and Conservator / Chris Paulocik, R. Scott Williams

Characterization of Silk Deterioration / Paul Garside, Paul Wyeth

Iron Gall and the Textile Conservator / Katherine Barker

Studies on a Korean Painted Silk Banner: Identification of Layer Structure, Binding Medium, and Pigments / Mika Takami, Paul Wyeth

Chemical Finishes on Indigo-dyes Cloth: Characterization of Miao and Miao-related Costume from Guizhou, China / Lauren Chang, Paul Wyeth

A Fault in the Thread?  Examining fibers Taken from Laces of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / Angharad Rixon

Analysis of Soiling and Trace Contaminants of the Star-Spangled Banner / Fenella G. France, Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss, Alberto Nuñez, William N. Marmer

Characterization and Evaluation of a Synthetic Fabric: A Flag Study / Lorena Román, Nicolas Gutiérrez, Abner Gutiérrez, Fernando Sánchez Guevara, Claudia del Fuente

The Ardabil Carpet and Other Interesting Collaborations / David Howell, Chris Carr, Barry Knight,

Wash Water Quality Requirements for Textile Conservation: An Over view of Canadian Conservation Institute Research / Season Tse

Tapestry Cleaning: Characterization and Removal of Soils / Kathy Francis

The Identification and Removal of Deodorants, Antiperspirants, and Perspiration Stains from White Cotton Fabric / Melanie Sanford, Margaret Ordoñez

Beneath the Surface: Salt Movement in Archaeological Textiles / Glenna Susan Marsh-Letts, Samuel B. Adeloju

An Investigation of the Effects of Borohydride Treatments of Oxidized Cellulose Textiles / Maj G. Ringgaard

Conservation of the Wright Flyer III: Serendipity and Substantiation / Deborah Bede



The Resurrection of an American Film Star: the Beloved Cowardly Lion / Irena Calinescu and Cara Varnell.

Wet With Blood: the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's cloak / Nancy Buenger.

Mémoire Corporative. strategies in creating a theatrical costume collection while performing art / Sylvie François, Claude Brault and Mary M. Brooks.

Preventive Conservation: technically recording and making a reproduction of a late Chinchorro infant-mummy / Barbara Cases C. and Ana María Rojas Z.

Threads And Treads: woven sandals from the Southwest / Nancy Odegaard, Mike Jacobs, Marilen Pool and Thomas Braun.

Conservation And Study Of Four 6,000 Year-Old Textiles From The Judean Desert / Olga Negnevitsky and Tamar Schick.

Are Yeez 'Appy: the framing and installation of banners for the Museum Of Scotland / Sarah Foskett.

‘That Fabric Seems Extremely Bright': non-destructive characterization of nineteenth century mineral dyes via XRF analysis / Joy Gardiner, Janice Carlson, Linda Eaton and Kate Duffy.

The Ormerod Bedcover: research and treatment / Dilys Blum, Sara Lynn Reiter and Virginia J. Whelan.

Local Stain Removal from Océanie, la mer by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush / Jan Vuori, Debra Daly Hartin, Season Tse, Anne Maheux and Anne Ruggles.

Melding Eighteenth-Century Traditions with Twentieth-Century Technologies or Crèche Crisis Culminates in Christmas Collaboration / Robin Hanson.

Dudok's Town Hall in Hilversum: the reconstruction of the interior textiles / Jennifer Barnett.

Shade of Faith: the conservation of a painted sukkah interior / Judith Eisenberg and Harriett Irgang.

Collaborating Overseas: the textile conservation project at Villa La Pietra / Susan Anne Mathisen and Costanza Perrone Da Zara.



Can High Productivity be Productive? / Jonathan Ashley-Smith and Lynda Hillyer

Textile Conservation, Exhibit and Storage Design for the Commonwealth's Flag Reinstallation Project. / Betsy Gould

Textile Exhibition Practices in the Philippines. / Evelyn T.Elveña

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity: Planning and Building New Permanent Exhibitions at the Armémuseum, Stockholm. / Annika Castwall af Trolle, Lena Engquist Sandstedt, and Anna Zillén

Behind the Seams of an Exhibition. / Christine Paulocik

Invisible Boundaries: Searching for Common Ground Between Curators, Conservators, and Interpreters. / Abby Sue Fisher

Exhibition and Preservation of Artifacts with Textile Components at Point Ellice House Historic Site / Jennifer Iredale

Exhibiting Textiles in Historic House Furnished Rooms: Balancing Conservation and Interpretation. / Deborah Lee Trupin

Balancing Long-term Display with Preservation: The Treatment of the Fort Sumter Garrison Flag. / Jane L. Merritt and Rita Kauneckas

Working with Long-term Exhibits Containing Textiles. / Deborah Bede

Mechanical Aspects of Lining "Loose Hung" Textiles. / Thomas Bilson, Bill Cooke, and David Howell

Treatment Decisions for the Exhibition of a 1697 English State Bed. / Nancy Britton

Comprehensive Approach to Textile Problems in the Hermitage. / Elena Mikolaychuk and Nina Pinyagina

Conservation Guidelines for Museum Exhibition Cases. / Toby J. Raphael

Concerns about Plastics During Exhibition and Transport of Textile Objects. / R. Scott Williams

The Lighting Decision. / Stefan Michalski

Lighting for Preservation - Fibre Optics in Museum Exhibits. / Larry V. Bowers

Exhibiting Historical Costumes from a Living Tradition: Cantonese Opera in Canada. / Elizabeth Lominska Johnson and Darrin Morrison

Conservation, Display and Transport of "Becoming American Women: Clothing and the Jewish Immigrant Experience, 1880-1920". / Nancy Buenger

Travelling with Panache: An Unconventional Packing Method for a Travelling Costume Exhibit.
/ Carol Brynjolfson

Dressed for the Occasion: Creative and Practical Ideas for Mounting Costume Exhibitions. / Eva Burnham and Daniel Lalande

Flying the Flag Down Under: A Discussion of the Significance of Flags, the Etiquette of Using Them, and a Variety of Display Techniques. / Catherine Challenor and Wendy Dodd

Making the Most of Mounts: Expanding the Role of Display Mounts in the Preservation and Interpretation of Historic Textiles. / Alison Lister

"The Real West": A Collaborative Exhibit at Three Venues. / Jeanne Brako

A Division of Skills: A Case History of Mounting an Exhibition on a Limited Budget. / Ann French, Susan Stanton, and Lesley Anne Kerr

"Let Me Edu-tain You," Historic Artifacts and the World of Themed Entertainment. / Cara Varnell




Preparation of a Tengujo Adhesive Support for Use on Painted Silk / Chuance Chen; Heritage Conservation Centre, Singapore

Facets of Feathers in a Fashion Collection:  Case Studies in Storage in the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Bethany Gingrich and Shelly Tarter; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA

Printing Lace: Evaluating Visual Compensation Treatments for Bleach Damaged Lace / Heather Hodge; Preservation Society of Newport County, Newport, USA

Piecing Together the Past: Reconstructing a Closed Front Sacque Gown / Margaret O’Neil; Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation Class of 2023, Wilmington, USA / Laura Mina; National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, DC, USA / Katherine Sahmel; Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, and Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, USA

Safe, Lower Cost Techniques for Displaying Historic Clothing / A. Newbold Richardson; The Costume and Textile Specialists, Alexandria and Richmond, USA

An Overview of Shrinkproof Wool Treatments / Isabella Rossi; Rossi Conservation, Scotland, UK



No posters were presented


(la version française suit la version anglaise)

Community Input: Treatment, Storage, and Handling of Indigenous Beadwork at the Textile Museum of Canada / Hillary Anderson

Revisiting Adhesive Treatments Performed on Ethnographic Textile Collection Items at the Estonian National Museum / Vincent Dion, Janika Turu

Using Tek Wipe Solvent Poultices to Remove Adhesive Residue from Textile: A Technique Inspired by Conservation Treatments for Paper and Paintings / Marie Ève Gaudreau Lamarre

Highs and Lows of Gellan Gum: Evaluating its Use in the Treatment of Textiles / Michelle Hunter

Tatted and Tattered: A Novel Method of Treating Tatting-Covered Buttons / Gennifer Majors

Letting the Masks Dance: Reshaping Brittle and Deformed Plant Fiber on Bamana, Ci Wara Ensembles / Casey Mallinckcrodt

Mounting Contemporary Powwow Regalia with Dramatic Visual Results / Alison Smith-Welsh

The Triboelectric Series: Its Use in Selecting Mounting Fabrics / Gwen Spicer

"Life after Death" Can the Remarkable Find of a Medieval Man and His Clothing in the Bocksten Peatbog Illustrate the History and the Future of Textile Conservation? / Lotti Benjaminsson

Collaboration Between Disciplines for the Conservation of a Contemporary Textile Sculpture / Alice Watkins, Claire Laurin


Contribution de la communauté : traitement, mise en réserve et manipulation d’œuvres perlées autochtones au Textile Museum of Canada / Hillary Anderson

Réexaminer les traitements adhésifs effectués sur des textiles d’une collection ethnographique appartenant au Musée national estonien / Vincent Dion, Janika Turu

L’utilisation du Tek Wipe comme cataplasme de solvants pour retirer les résidus d’adhésifs d’un tissu : une technique inspirée des traitements de restauration de papier et peinture / Marie Ève Gaudreau Lamarre

Les hauts et les bas: évaluation de la gomme gellane pour le traitement des textiles / Michelle Hunter

Frivolité en lambeaux : une nouvelle méthode de traitement de boutons recouverts de frivolité / Gennifer Majors

Laisser les masques danser: la remise en forme de fibres végétales fragilisées et déformées sur des tenues de danse cérémoniale Ciwara appartenant à la culture bambara / Casey Mallinckcrodt

Présentation d’une régalia contemporaine de pow-wow avec un effet visuel spectaculaire / Alison Smith-Welsh

La série triboélectrique : son utilisation pour la sélection de tissus de support / Gwen Spicer

La vie après la mort : est-ce que la rare découverte de l’homme de la tourbière de Bocksten et de ses vêtements moyenâgeux pourrait nous permettre d’illustrer l’histoire et l’avenir de la restauration des textiles? / Lotti Benjaminsson

Collaboration entre disciplines pour la restauration d’une sculpture textile contemporaine / Alice Watkins, Claire Laurin



Aesthetics vs. Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Experience in the Discussion Regarding the Cleaning of Metallic Threads during the Textile Conservation and Restoration Workshop (STCRT) at the Conservation, Restoration, and Museography School "Manuel del Castillo Negrete" (ENCRyM) / Lucía Alviar Cerón, Adriana Jiménez Marín

Restoration of Two Cotton Mixtec Huipiles Adorned with Silk Appliques and Embroideries Belonging to the Hold in Reserve Objects Category of the National Museum of Anthropology / Ana Kateri Becerra Pérez, Laura Filloy Nadal

Analysis and Characterization of Turk’s head knots / Joy Boutrup

Preliminary Observation on Experimental Use of Laser Irradiation on Textiles / Emilia Cortes, Ana Radojević

Metal Threads Could Be Metal Threats? Examination of Metal Surface Decorations Used For Embellishment of Greek Ecclesiastical Textiles / Anna Karatzani

A Collection’s History / Verónica Kuhliger

Ravine Inhabitants and Color. Textiles from the Maguey Cave / Begoña Aranzazú Muerza Avendaño

Porcupine vs. Moose: An Investigation and Treatment of Seneca-Iroquois Moccasins / Nicole Passerotti

Embroidering Traditions: Leather and Textile Guayaca from the Gauchesca culture / Lucila Pesoa, Juliana Ullúa

Ethnographical Crowns – Variety of Materials and the Importance of Storage Conditions / Indra Saulesleja, Indra Tuna

Paint-By-Number Stabilization: A Polychrome Net Overlay for an Embroidered Mourning Picture / Ingrid Sey

To Cover With Grace. The Conservation of a Rebozo (a shawl) from San Ignacio de Loyola School, Vizcaínas. Mexico / Juan Gerardo Ugalde Salinas, María Fernanda Aceves Valencia, Agueda Selene Delgado Cueva



An ecological alternative to dry-cleaning of historical textiles / Karla Castillo Leyva

Big banners, tight spaces: Storage solutions at the Hispanic Society of America / Joy Davis, Janet Lee, Kirsten Schoonmaker

Hanging Around: Unobtrusive display solutions for working clothes in the Barbara Hepworth Studio / Stella Gardner, Alison Lister ACR, Abigail Tyler

Costumes on the move / Sarah Gates, Anne Getts

When mobility is the cause of damage: The conservation of a 1950’s handbag / Zoë Lanceley, Karen Thompson

Traditionally ornamented 17th century woolen shawl: Research, conservation and reconstruction / Jana Libiete, Indra Saulesleja, Indra Tuna, Irita Zeiere

Rotation Ready / Denise Migdail, Courtney Helion

The freezer limbo: How low should it go and for how long should it stay? / Sara Reiter

Migration of dyes in archaeological textiles from wet sites / Maj Ringgaard

I have a gel, and I know how to use it! An examination of the working properties of agarose gels in textile conservation / Emma Schmitt

Supporting double-sided trade banners: How rare earth magnets allow for both sides to be viewed / Gwen Spicer

Reaping the Benefits: Conserving a Countryman’s Smock for Community Use / Abigail Tyler, Megan De Silva

Muscogee beaded bandolier bag: Moving from shoulder to storage, from conservation to display / Cathleen Zaret



New Materials, Ancestral Techniques: A Problem? / Lilian Garcia-Alonso Alba

The Comparative Analysis and Characterization of Deteriorated Textile Fibers: Cotton, Linen, Wool, and Silk / Alejandra Corona Cadena

Luminous Visions: An investigation into the possibility of characterizing natural dye using ultra violet light / Angela Duckwall

Creating Invisible Mounts with Low Tech Fabrication Methods / Ann Frisina

The "Green Challenge": Incorporating Sustainable Materials into Textile Conservation and Collections Care / Christian Hernandez

Study and conservation of two plastic dolls and their garments: dilemmas and limitations / Maria Koutsodimitropoulou and Anna Karatzani

Displaying and housing an oversized painted textile—a case study of using local materials to preserve a National treasure in Taiwan / Jen-Jung Ku and Wan-ping Chen

Polyethylene foam used as a base for padded board / Christina Margariti

"20 Years Restoring the Threads of History": Training Textile Conservators at ENCRYM / Alejandra Mosco

Solutions for the Replacement of Textile Supports in Mexico / Rosa Lorena Román Torres, Alejandra Corona Cadena, Lilian García-Alonso Alba, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos and Elizabeth Trujillo Huazo

Communicating through Acrylic Emulsion Paints: Preserving the Union of Communication Workers' banner c.1990 / Leanne Tonkin



Cushmas: Amazonian Ethnographic Costumes. Their Preventive Conservation and Appreciation / Rosemary Zenker Alzamora

A Simple Modification of Pressure Mounts to Prevent Bowing of Plexiglas® / Deborah Bede

Analysis of Three Chuspas from the Collection of the Huaca Malena, Peru / Lourdes Chocano Mena

Weaving Art of Assam: Threats for Survival / Subhra Devi

Investigations into Naphtalene Mitigation on Museum Objects / Susan Heald, Odile Madden

Restoration of Ethnographic Textiles from Teotitlan del Valle: Experiences Inside an Indigenous Community: / Karen Landa Elorduy, Mariana Almaraz Reyes, Ximena Bruna Lema, María Eugenia Desirée Buentello García, Emmanuel Lara Barrera, María Fernanda Martínez Rocha

The Ethnographic Feather Collection at the Museo Juan B. Ambrosetti / Silvana Di Lorenzo, María Pía Villaronga

Conservation or Restoration: Are There Specific Limits in Treatment of a Multi-Component Chest? / Stavroula Rapti, Ermioni Takou, Christoforos Stylianou, Ekaterini Malea

The Use of SEM in Investigating Gel Residues on Cotton Textiles, after Spot Cleaning Treatments / Maria Stavropoulou, Stavoula Rapti



A support mount made from Nomex ® card for flat storage & three-dimensional display of a fragile 19th-century bonnet / Luba Dovgan

Fibre identification and condition characterization of 1920s and 1930s rayon dresses / Clare Lewarne

Identifying the source of mercury on a Nez Perce horse mask / Sarah McNett

Chaguar: Bromelia hieronymi / Marine del Carmen Rivadeo Torres

The height of fashion: Conservation of a pair of 17th-century slap-sole shoes / Ada Hopkins

Mexican silk-flower industry in the late 19th century / Adriana Sanroman

Rigattino applied to the conservation of silk brocade / Rosa Lorena Román Torres

Frida through her textiles. Conservation issues in the textile collection of the Museo Frida Kahlo / Mónica Vargas Ramos



Preventative conservation of the Textiles in the National Museum of the Viceroyalty, Tepotzotlán, Mexico. / Rosa Diez Pérez

Hole-istic Compensation: Needle-felted In-fills for Losses in Wool. / Anna Hodson, Renate Maile-Moskowitz and Susan Heald

Mold Outbreaks in Storage Areas. / Allison McCloskey

Textiles and Fashion Arts on the Move: New Storage for a Collection. / Meredith Montague, Claudia P. Iannuccilli, Joel L. Thompson and Allison Sloan Murphy

Recovering the Value of a Paracas Textile (Necropolis). / Lourdes Chocano Mena

Preserving a Perishable Heritage: The Archaeological Basketry from Argentina. / Cecilia Beatriz Pérez de Micou

An Ancient Adhesive: A New Alternative for Textile Conservation. / Rosa Lorena Román Torres, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda, Lilia Felix Ramírez and Fernando Sánchez Guevara



Investigating the Presence of Dog Hair in Coast Salish Blankets / Anne Murray, Susan Heald, Marilyn Jones, Lauren Chang and Harry Alden 

Izote / Beatriz Garcés Gómez 

Tracking Clues to the Past in Maguey-Fiber Sandals / Pamela Scheinman 

Analysis and Conservation of Prehistoric Footwear and Bags from Midwestern North America / Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff and Marie. S. Standifer 

The Veil of S. Marina from the Church of S. Maria Formosa in Venice / Susanna Conti, and Marzia Lorenzini 

Mummy of Merit: A Conservation Project on the Funeral Outfit (Equipment) / Cinzia Oliva 

Palimpsests and Pentimento in the Canvas Codices Collection of the Biblioteca Nacional de Antropología e Historia / Mónica Ruiz Hernández 

Rescue of a Textile Collection / Priscilla Alvarado 

Excavation and Preliminary Conservation of a Dong Son Burial Shroud from the Red River Delta in Vietnam / Nicola Smith, Judith Andrewartha, Patrya Kay and Ellie McFadyen 

Re-Housing Archaeological Textiles during the National Museum of the American Indian Collections Move / Lisa Anderson, Lauren Chang and Susan Heald 

Easy Access? —Approaches to the Care and Storage of Archaeological Textiles at the Whitworth Art Gallery / Ann French and Frances Pritchard 

Brocades and Embroideries of the Mayan World: Preserving a Collection and a Tradition / María Judith Eunice Gómez González



The Treatment of a Campaign Banner: An Option for Consolidating Powdery Paint. / Mary Betlejeski and Gwen Spicer

Just How Do You Apply Routine Treatments to a Large and Fragile Textile?: Lateral Thinking and the Richmond Colours of the Victorian Volunteer Rifle Corps. / Catherine Challenor

A Banner from the Era of the Scandinavianism Movement. / Pia Christensson

The Conservation and Restoration of the Alamo Flag. / Noemí Cortés and Guillermina Peña

Identification through Symbols. / Ileana Cretu

A Comparative Study of the Ethics and Techniques of Conserving Two Pairs of Nineteenth Century Colours from Guernsey. / Tamara Frost

A 17th-Century Flocked Textile. / Elizabeth C. Griffin

King in All But Name? The Conservation of a Majesty Scutcheon Looted from Oliver Cromwell’s State Funeral. / Cordelia Rogerson

The Escuadrón Activo De Veracruz Flag: Reflections on the Criteria for Flag Conservation. / Lorena Román, Cecilia Becerra, Claudia de la Fuente, Abner Gutiérrez, Nicolás Gutiérrez and Fernando Sánchez Guevara

Contract for Eternity: Preserving a Hearse Cloth Made in 1505 For Henry VII (b. 1455, d. 1509). / Joelle D.J. Wickens and Dr. Maria Hayward



No posters were presented.


Measuring the Effects of Posture on the Stability of Mannequins / Elizabeth-Anne Haldane.

Expanding Conservation Cleaning Options: collaboration with a professional dry cleaner / Kathleen Kiefer and Jonathan Scheer.

To Conserve Is To Remember: from archaeocide to archaeolinguistics / Karen Guthertz Lizárraga.

Understanding the Parameters of Display: a case study / Meredith Montague.

Conservation Treatment Of An Eighteenth Century Mexican Textile Woven With Feathers / Lorena Román and Abner Gutiérrez.

Conservation Treatment Used On The Covering Of The Coachman's Seat Of Maximillian Of Hapsburg's Ceremonial Carriage / Lorena Román and Abner Gutiérrez.

Multidisciplinary Science Research On An Old Textile / Ileana Cretu and Mihai Lupu.



Pressure Mounting Textiles for Display. / Thea Peacock and Monique Pullan

Mounting a Teepee Liner for Exhibit. / Shirley Ellis

A Possible Solution to the Rug Pad Dilemma. / Steven Pine and Joy Gardiner

A Sleeper of a Support System: Using a "Rope Bed" to Create a Slanted Mount for Temporary Exhibit of a Large Flag. / Deborah Lee Trupin, Dennis Farmer, and Kim Yarwood

Mannequins for Navajo Textile Display. / Susan Heald and Gwen Spicer

Wedding Belles. / Jane Holland and Linda Berko

King's Privy Chamber Throne Canopy, ca. 1700, Hampton Court Palace. / Val Davies

The Influence of Disaster Recovery on Reinstallation of Historic Wall Coverings. / Deirdre Windsor

Conservation of Costume for "In Royal Fashion": Time Management for a Large Project With a Small Staff. / Barbara Heiberger

Examples of Stabilization and Display of Fragile Textiles for Museums. / Vera Vereecken


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