The North American Textile Conservation Conference was founded as an international forum to share research, theory and practice in the field of textile conservation, and foster collaboration. This is achieved by holding a biennial conference with training sessions and presentations, and disseminating the conference papers to participants, and the wider conservation and museum communities.
The North American Textile Conservation Conference (NATCC) was founded in 1994. As stated in the group's Bylaws, the purposes of the NATCC are to improve the quality of textile conservation through discussion of current practices and research by organizing a biennial conference and publishing the papers presented at the biennial conference. These Preprints are distributed to the conference attendees. Preprints are also made available to the wider museum community.
NATCC was incorporated in the State of New York as a non-profit corporation in July of 2001 and received its 501(c)(3) status from the IRS in 2002. The NATCC has evolved into an inclusive organization whose conferences are planned by a rotating Board of Directors of twelve textile conservators, textile scientists and curators from throughout North America.

Jocelyn Alcántara-García
Board Member Since 2022
University of Delaware

Rebecca Beyth
Board Member Since 2024
RB Textile Conservation

Caterina Florio
Board Member Since 2017
McCord Museum

Gretchen Guidess
Board Member Since 2019
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Amanda Holden
Board Member Since 2017
Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

Iliana López Salado
Board Member Since 2018
Textile Conservator in Private Practice,
Greater Seattle Area

Hector Manuel Meneses Lozano
Board Member Since 2009
Museo Textil de Oaxaca

Miriam Murphy
Board Member Since 2022
Saint Louis Art Museum

Gail Niinimaa
Board Member Since 2022
Niinimaa Enterprises Inc.

Emma Schmitt
Board Member Since 2024
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Elizabeth Shaeffer
Board Member Since 2018
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Joel Stephenson
Board Member Since 2015
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Howard Sutcliffe
Board Member Since 2014
Detroit Institute of Arts River Region Costume and Textile Conservation
Deborah Bede
Minnesota Historical Society
Stillwater Textile Conservation Studio
Years active: 1997 - 2002
Julia Burke
National Gallery of Art
Years active: 1997 - 2007
Sarah Confer
Práctica independiente
Years active: 2011 - 2013
Emilia Cortes
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Years active: 2002 - 2018
Linda Eaton
Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library
Years active: 1997 - 2002
Shannon Elliott
Royal Ontario Museum & University of Toronto
Years active: 2005 - 2011
Patricia Ewer
Biltmore House
Textile Objects Conservation
Years active: 1997 - 2002
Lilian Garcia-Alonso
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Years active: 2017
Joy Gardiner
Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library
Years active: 2003 - 2017
Christine Giuntini
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Years active: 2007-2023
Judith Gómez González
Museo Nacional de Antropología/INAH
Years active: 2005 - 2007
Susan Heald
National Museum of the American Indian
Years active: 2005 - 2009
Claudia Iannuccilli
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Years active: 2003 - 2015
Michaela Keyserlink
Institut canadien de conservation (CCI)
Years active: 1997
Yadin Larochette
Larochette Textile Conservation
Years active: 2013 - 2015
Sharon Little
Foundation Little/Ragusich
Years active: 2009
Catherine C. McLean
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Years active: 1997 - 2000
Susan Anne Mathisen
Conservation Center
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Years active: 2002 - 2003
Jane Merritt
US Department of the Interior
National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center
Years active: 1997 - 2000
Esther Méthé
The Textile Museum
Years active: 2007 - 2019
Denise Krieger Migdail
Asian Art Museum
Years active: 2013-2023
Chris Paulocik
The Costume Institute
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Years active: 1997 - 2002
Sara Reiter
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Years active: 1997 - 2005
Rosa Lorena Román Torres
Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauranción, y Museografía
"Manuel del Castillo Negrete". INAH-SEP
Years active: 2003 - 2018
Susan Schmalz
Conservation Center
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Years active: 2002 - 2003
Gwen Spicer
Spicer Art Conservation
Years active: 2003 - 2005
Sarah C. Stevens
New York State Bureau of Historic Sites, Peebles Island Resource Center & Zephyr Preservation Studio
Years active: 2009-2023
Beth Szuhay
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Years active: 2007 - 2015
Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss
Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History
Kenneth E. Behring Center
Years active: 1997 - 2007
Deborah Lee Trupin
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Peebles Island Resource Center
Years active: 1997 - 2005
Cara Varnell
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Conservator in private practice
Years active: 1997 - 2000
Jan Vuori
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI)
Years active: 2000 - 2003
How do I become a member?
NATCC is not a membership organization, it is a non-profit corporation whose mission is "to improve the quality of textile conservation through discussion of current practices and research by organizing a biennial conference and publishing the papers presented at the biennial conference."
How do I attend a conference?
Simply register for the conference. You can register online by going to the Upcoming Conference menu and clicking on "advance registration" or you can register in person at the conference.
Is there a discount for early registration to the conference?
Yes. Click on the "Registration" tab under the Upcoming Conference menu for details.
How can I submit a paper for the conference?
Submissions can be made during the Call for Papers, usually the summer of the previous year before the upcoming conference.
How do I donate to the organization?
Go to the About NATCC drop down menu and click on the "Donations" tab.
If I donate to the organization where will my money go?
Donations support the biennial conference. Specific donations to sponsor a speaker or help support a specific event at the conference, such as a coffee break or reception can also be made. Please contact the NATCC via email: contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
Can I get preprints from past conferences?
Preprints from past conferences can be purchased from the website.
Simply go to the Publications tab and a drop down menu will lead you to the order form on the "Pre-Prints" tab. Preprints can also be purchased at the conference.
The 1997 Conference Preprints can be purchased only from CCI via their bookstore website: https://www.cci-icc.gc.ca/bookstore/index-e.cfm.